Publications & Talks
An Anthology of Canadian Birth Stories: Inspiring Stories and Essential Guidance for Parents, Parents-To-Be, and Healthcare Providers (co-edited by Laura Pascoe & Joseé Leduc) is a must-read! This book is teeming with beautifully written birth stories, compelling imagery, and super useful evidence-based guidance for birth givers and those who support them. Proceeds go back to the Doula Support Foundation, so buy now on Amazon or on the Praeclarus Press website. Love it? Help us get the word out by leaving a review!
“This book is a must-read! An Anthology of Canadian Birth Stories give voice to those who have given birth. This lovely book makes a great contribution to the field of reproductive studies, and an even greater contribution to child bearers and birth givers, because it provides its readers with a plethora of exquisitely written birth stories.”
– Robbie Davis-Floyd, birth expert and author of Birth as an American Rite of Passage and Ways of Knowing about Birth: Mothers, Midwives, Medicine, and Birth Activism
Select Publications
Pascoe, L. (in press, 2023). Birthing consent: Supporting shared decision making and informed consent in labour and childbirth. In L. James-Hawkins, & R. Ryan-Flood (Eds.), Gender, power, and subjectivity. Routledge Press. **(Fun fact: My sister, the amazing Jordan Pascoe, also has a book chapter in this one!)**
Pascoe, L., Phung, N., Wells, L., Esina, E. (in press, 2023). Expanding the behavior change toolbox: A rapid review of using gamification to mobilize more men for violence prevention and the advancement of gender equality, diversity, justice, and inclusion. Journal of Technology and Behavioral Science.
Wells, L., Fotheringham, S., & Pascoe, L. (2023). Canadian men’s insights on engaging men and boys in creating a more gender equal future. Violence Against Women. Access here.
Pascoe, L., & Leduc, J. (Eds.). (2023). An anthology of Canadian birth stories: Inspiring stories and essential guidance for parents, parents-to-be, and health providers. Praeclarus Press.
Pascoe, L. (2022). More to be desired: The need to engage men and couples around communication, sexual pleasure, and consent in Southern African safer sex interventions. In D. Bhana, M. Crewe, & P. Aggleton (Eds.), Sex, sexualities and sexual health in Southern Africa: Contemporary perspectives. Routledge Press.
Pascoe, L., Peacock, D., Stemple, L. (2018). Reaching men: Addressing the blind spot in the HIV response. International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health, Vol 1(1). Access here.
Pascoe, L. (2018). Women’s sexual pleasure and the intimate spaces of heterosexual sex in Cape Town, South Africa. In S. Choudhury, J.T. Erausquin, & M. Withers (Eds.) Global perspectives on women’s sexual and reproductive health across the lifecourse. Springer Publishing.
Pascoe, L., Haffner, J., Rose, J. (2017). Tender comrades: The left and the politics of shame. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity (IPED). Access here.
Stern, E., Pascoe, L., Richmond, S., van den Heever, L., Shand, T. (2015). Lessons learned from engaging men in sexual and reproductive health as clients, partners and advocates of change in the Hoima district of Uganda. Culture, Health, & Sexuality, Vol 17(Suppl 2). Access here.
Pascoe, L. (lead author), and contributing authors. (2014). Interdisciplinary global health: Contributions beyond the health sciences. In J. Evert, P. Drain, T. Hall, & N. Habibullah (Eds.). Developing global health programming: A guidebook for medical and professional schools (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Global Health Education Collaboration Press.
Shand, T., Thomson-de Boor, H., van den Berg, W., Peacock, D., and Pascoe, L. (2014). The HIV blind spot: Men and HIV testing, treatment and care in sub-Saharan Africa. IDS, Vol 45(1). Access here.
Shand, T., Philips, L., and Pascoe, L. (2012). State of the field in activism, programs and policy for engaging men and boys to promote gender transformation. In G. Tremblay & F. Bernard (Eds.), Future perspectives for intervention, policy and research on men and masculinities: An International Forum. Men’s Studies Press.
Pascoe, L. (2020). Negotiating HIV and pregnancy prevention and sexual pleasure amongst heterosexual men and women in South Africa. Culture, Health, and Sexuality. Access here.
Amegbor, P.M., Pascoe, L. (2019). Variations in emotional, sexual, and intimate partner violence among women in Uganda: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 00(0), 1-31. Access here.
Recent Presentations and Trainings
Pascoe, L., co-presented with Janina Arsenjeva. “Men, disabilities, and war: Findings and recommendations for disability-inclusive approaches to engaging men and boys for gender equality in conflict and post-conflict settings.” Presentation to UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia regional and country offices. December 2022.
Pascoe, L., co-presented with Lana Wells. “Recommendations for the Government of Canada: Develop a national strategy that supports innovative ways to get more men and boys invested and involved in violence prevention and gender equality.” Presentation to the Government of Canada, hosted by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE). October 2022.
Pascoe, L. “Addressing the health needs of men & boys: An analysis of national policies in eastern & southern Africa.” Invited speaker for webinar on men’s SRHR, hosted by Share-Net Knowledge Platform on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. February 2022.
Pascoe, L. “EarlyON Gender workshop part two: Understanding gender and its impact: Gender and gender development in young children.” Presented to EarlyON early childhood educators, hosted by the City of Kingston, Ontario. November 2020.
Pascoe, L. “EarlyON Gender workshop part one: The gender spectrum: How we can create an inclusive environment and help kids be themselves.” Presented to EarlyON early childhood educators, hosted by the City of Kingston, Ontario. October 2020.
Pascoe, L. “Men and Masculinities: The case for engaging men.” Guest lecturer, Upper division gender and geography undergraduate course, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. March 2019.
Pascoe, L. “Gettin’ Cliterate: An Exploration into the Little Known Truths and Buried Pleasures of the Clitoris.” Featured Presenter, Nerd Night Speaker Series, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. October 2017.
Pascoe, L. “Pillow Talk is Big Talk: Gender and the Intimate Spaces of Prevention and Sexual Pleasure in Cape Town, South Africa.” Special Guest Lecturer, Centre for Families, Work, and Wellbeing, hosted by University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. May 2017.
Pascoe, L. “In the Heat of the Moment: Negotiating Sexual Risk and Pleasure in South Africa.” 3rd Annual Queen’s Africa Day, Kingston, Ontario. October 2016.
Pascoe, L. “In the Heat of the Moment: The Geography of Intimate Spaces.” American Association of Geographers. March 2016.
Pascoe, L., Peacock, D. “Where are the men? Addressing the global blind spot around heterosexual men in the HIV pandemic.” 21st International AIDS Conference. July 2016.
Pascoe, L. “Prevention and Pleasure: Exploring Two Sides of Intimate Spaces.” Feminist Theory and Research Symposium, UC Davis, California. May 2015.
Pascoe, L. “Reproductive Rights and Gender Justice.” Guest speaker, IGNITE meeting UC Davis, California. April 2015.
Pascoe, L., Haffner, J. “International Dimensions of the Non-Profit Sector.” Guest lecture, Upper division community and regional development undergraduate course, UC Davis, California. March 2015.
Pascoe, L. “Gender and the Non-Profit Sector.” Guest lecture. Upper division community and regional development undergraduate course, UC Davis, California. March 2015.
Grey Literature and Media Publications
Pascoe, L., Peacock, D. (2023). Raising us all: UNFPA Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Strategy for engaging men and boys for violence prevention, gender equality, and sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. UNFPA Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO).
Wells, L., & Pascoe, L. (equal co-authors)., & Litvinuic, A. (2022). Building a movement of men and boys committed to violence prevention and gender equality in Alberta: Informing the Alberta primary prevention framework collaborative. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence. Access here
Pascoe, L., & Arsenjeva, J. (2022). Disability inclusive development with men and boys: Mainstreaming disability equality in the UNFPA EECA regional MenEngage platform. UNFPA.
Pascoe, L., & Wells, L. (2022). Building a movement: Mobilizing more men for violence prevention, gender equality, and social justice in Canada (Recommendations for the Government of Canada). Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Pascoe, L., Wells, L., & Esina, E. (2022). Bystander interventions to engage and mobilize men for violence prevention and the advancement of gender equality, diversity, justice, and inclusion: Rapid evidence review. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Pascoe, L., & Wells, L. (2022). Calling in Men: A review of literature and the case for calling men “in” to prevent violence and advance equity. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Pascoe, L., Wells, L., & Esina, E. (2022). Gamification to engage and mobilize men for violence prevention and the advancement of gender equality, diversity, justice, and inclusion: Rapid evidence review. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Pascoe, L., & Wells, L., Esina, E. (2022). Using nudges to engage and mobilize men for violence prevention and the advancement of gender equality, diversity, justice, and inclusion: Rapid evidence review. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Pascoe, L., Wells, L., & Esina, E. (2022). Using social norms approaches to engage and mobilize men for violence prevention and the advancement of gender equality, diversity, justice, and inclusion: Rapid evidence review. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Pascoe, L., Wells, L., & Esina, E. (2022). Using virtual reality and immersive storytelling to engage and mobilize men for violence prevention and the advancement of gender equality, diversity, justice, and inclusion: Rapid evidence review. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Akbary, H. S., Pascoe, L., Wells, L. (2022). Community justice approaches for engaging and mobilizing men for violence prevention and the advancement of gender equality, diversity, justice, and inclusion: Rapid evidence review. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Baker, E., Pascoe, L., & Wells, L. (2022). Using data science to engage and mobilize men for violence prevention and the advancement of gender equality, diversity, justice, and inclusion: Rapid evidence review. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Hansen, B., Pascoe, L., & Wells, L. (2022). Engaging men through fatherhood to prevent violence and advance gender equality: Rapid evidence review. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Wells, L., Pascoe, L., Dozois, E. (2022). Following the evidence: 9 promising approaches for practitioners engaging men in violence prevention and gender equality. Calgary, AB. The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.
Pascoe, L. (2017). Gender and GBV training manual for Demand Creation Officers. Workshop Manual. Population Services International/Malawi.
Pascoe, L. (2017). Post-GBV service provision training manual for health care providers. Workshop Manual. Population Services International/Malawi.
Pascoe, L., Zakaras, J., Newmann, S. (2017). Stronger together: Investigating a masculinities-based approach to increase male acceptance of family planning in Kenya. Workshop Manual. University of California, San Francisco & Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI).
Pascoe, L., Aslund, S., Hopkins, J. (2017) Promising practices in increasing male engagement in the HIV response and reducing the burden of HIV/AIDS on women and girls in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA)—both long and short versions published. Commissioned by UNAIDS Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa; published by Sonke Gender Justice: Cape Town.
Pascoe, L. (2017). Addressing the health needs of men and boys: An Analysis of national policies in Eastern & Southern Africa. Commissioned by UNAIDS Headquarters; published by Sonke Gender Justice: Cape Town.
Pascoe, L., Peacock, D., Dovel, K. (2016). To get to zero we must also get to men: UNAIDS literature review on Eastern and Southern Africa. Commissioned by UNAIDS Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa; published by Sonke Gender Justice: Cape Town.
Thomson-de Boor, H., Pascoe, L., Jansson, H., Patel, A., Johnson, T., Dube, S., Shand, T. (2014). Scorecard on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) policies in Africa: Engaging men and boys in the promotion of SRHR. Sonke Gender Justice: Cape Town.
Pascoe, L. (2014, 16 May). Empty promises or promising new beginnings? South African government launches three-year gay rights campaign. Groundup. South Africa.
Pascoe, L., Herstad, M., Shand, T., and van den Heever, L. (2012). Building male involvement in SRHR: A basic model for male involvement in sexual and reproductive health and rights. Sonke Gender Justice: Cape Town.
Pascoe, L. (2009). Men for gender equality now: How some men in Kenya are working towards a healthier and safer nation. MenEngage Case Study Collection (created for MenEngage Africa Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa, Oct 2009).
Pascoe, L. (2009). Bophelo Pele Male Circumcision Centre, Orange Farm, South Africa. MenEngage Case Study Collection (created for MenEngage Africa Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa, Oct 2009).
Pascoe, L., Hazangwi, K. (2009). Real change must occur in the hearts and minds of community members themselves: Padare’s work in Zimbabwe. MenEngage Case Study Collection (created for MenEngage Africa Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa, Oct 2009).
Pascoe, L. (2009). Working with men and boys: Gender and sexual & reproductive health manual. Cape Town: Sonke Gender Justice.